Services - Event Video Filming
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direct crew, mix, record and stream video from multiple cameras


We supply all the equipment and personnel needed to; direct crew, mix, record and stream video from multiple cameras

Including adding graphics, pre-recorded clips, greenscreen, overlays and more as necessary. We can do this either in our fabulous little OB Unit trailer, or as a flyaway PPU to install in your venue.


We can plug in almost any professional camera, so can easily modify our setup to cover everything from: concerts, corporate events

The live mixed camera shots together with graphics, titles, slides, pictures & more can then be sent live to screens at the venue, recorded for later editing, written to DVD or BluRay, and/or streamed out live to the internet!

Equipment Hire

Most of our multicam equipment is available for dry hire as individual items.

Steadicams & Operator – Broadcast TV Cameras & Lenses – Professional Crew – Camera Accessiries – and more!